Our vision is to lead our youth into an intimate, dynamic, and powerful relationship with Jesus in order to fulfill the Great Commission of bringing the Good News of Jesus Christ to a lost and hurting world.
rGeneration offers a place where children from ages 1 to 12 years old can discover and develop a passion for God. Through worship, teaching, and a variety of fun activities, children are taught God's Word and challenged to grow in their relationship with Him.
Our children's services are fully staffed with adults, college students, and high school students who are committed and trained to teach and minister to the children. You can be confident that your child is well-cared for and having a great time learning about God while you worship.
rGeneration Ministry is offered during our Sunday worship services.
The rTeen Ministry allows Middle and High School students to encounter and experience God on their level through worship, the teaching of the Word, and fellowship.
Our mission is to introduce students to Jesus Christ, to develop a more intimate relationship with Him, and equip them to intentionally share Him with others.
We strive to move our students to a higher place in God personally as well as collectively. Through the youth ministry of rTeens, we help students grow into an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ, lifting them up spiritually to overcome tests, trials, and any other situation they may face in life. It is our intention to equip them for evangelism for their friends and family.